Welcome to Aetos

Aetos, rewards holders for gameplay. Play our game demo!


Space - Open , T - Change Weapon, F - Zooom

About the Project

Aetos Dios is the historical divine eagle that was portrayed in Greek mythology as the messenger and pet of Zeus, in fact the meaning of Aetos Dios is “Eagle of Zeus” and as such Zeus had granted Aetos Dios divine attributes!

Aetos is a community-driven meme token that is built on the ETH Chain with a vision to integrate inside the ETH ecosystem in terms of the usecase of the $AETOS token and the brand of Aetos.

Aetos will be ETH’s most adored pet and instead of Zeus granting him his divine attributes, the Aetos Community and Team will be doing so instead.


The messenger of ETH, Aetos, will deliver to it’s holders many riches by rewarding wallets that hold the $AETOS token with high rewards, thus enriching the Aetos community! Aetos will spread his wings and fly high in Olympus as the team pushes to both market the Aetos project and develop further usecase(s) for the $AETOS token while taking the community wishes into consideration.



Buy 8% & Sell Tax 8%



3% of all $AETOS traded will be added to a wallet used to buyback and reward users for playing the game


Liquidity Pool

1% goes to the Liquidity Pool to attain a stable price floor.



3% of buys will be added to a wallet to be used for marketing.


Dev Fee

1% Goes to a wallet that will ensure continued development


Phase 1/ Development Stage

Twitter launch
Contract creation
Lock LP
Twitter Engagements
Website update
Launch Dashboard

Phase 2

Launch Playable Game demo
Nomics Application.
Improve game and add levels
Coingecko Application

Phase 3

Partnership announcement
Upgrade Dashboard
Huge Twitter promotion/Engagement with influencers
CoinmarketCap listing
Create NFTs
We are aiming at least 1k holders and a marketcap of 3-5 million

How to Buy

Aetos currently runs only on the Ethereum Network, which means it can be best purchased and sold through ETH

Aetos is a decentralized project. As such we always recommend the use of DEXs. Once we get listed on CEX there will be more trade option that can be used to swap Aetos